Peregrinos @ Yosemite

Peregrinos @ Yosemite
Peregrine elementary students during a study field trip to Yosemite

Sunday, May 26, 2013

What does it mean to do cognitively guided instruction in math? A big concept in action

How to teach math is a big controversy in educational circles.  In the United States, math has often been taught by showing kids how to do a particular operation, then having them practice it until they can do it independently.  This would be called an algorithm driven approach, or doing “math basics”.  However, when worldwide annual math and science testing began in the 1995, with the Timms testing (‎), people were shocked to see that American students did not do as well as their counterparts in places like Japan and Singapore.  Some people thought that kids in these places simply did more “drill and kill” practice of math problems, but when the situation was analyzed, it turned out that the countries that did best were ones which spent more of their math teaching time on understanding the number system and solving problems rather than on practicing operations. 

Many people wonder what a math teaching approach based on teaching for understanding would look like.  At Peregrine School, we use Singapore Math, which is considered a Cognitively Guided approach to teaching math.  In this approach, a lot of time is spent on discussion, dialogue, and problem solving.  The following lesson is an example.  

We are in Marcia Margoniner-Reilly’s first-second grade classroom.  Children are sitting at three tables, facing each other and able to see a white board in front.  A large box of ones, tens, and hundreds squares are on a demonstration table in front.

(M stands for Marcia, and S1,2,3… for student speakers):

Children are given number squares of 1 and 10. 

M: How many white squares fit in a 10 strip?  Children count by lining them up and answer: 10.

Now how many fit in a big square?
S: 100
M: Prove it to me.
S1: Uses 10 strips to cover the 100 square.  Then shows that each of these is 10, so 10 x 10 make 100. 
M: Are you sure that 10 x 10 make 100?
S2: I can prove it to you!  He puts all 100 small squares on the big one. 

M puts a number chart as follows on the board.  125=

Hundreds                                 tens                                            ones

M writes the number 125 on the board.  Kids are challenged to make it with the ones, tens, and hundreds squares they have.  They all agree it is as shown above.  They try some other numbers, first building them with the blocks, then putting them in the chart. They do this until everyone can do it easily.

M: Now I challenge you to think of a number you create for other people.  You will make it with the squares, and we will decide as a group how to put it on the chart.  She makes the big box of squares available.  Children get out lots of squares. 
(This is an example of how children can differentiate their own learning in this kind of open-ended setting.  One child, who is advanced at math, gets out a lot of hundreds.  Others get out simpler numbers.)

M: (Referring the child with big numbers)  Look, S2 is coming up with a big number.  He wants to scare us!  Are you making your number, S3?
S3: (watching S2) I am trying to figure out what he is doing.  Then she begins to build a number, saying “S2, you won’t be able to guess this one!” 
S2: I’ll bet I can!
(In this case, the student who created the challenging number has created a challenge for his peers.)
S2: (to S3) Oh, you’ll never guess mine!
S3: 50,000?
S2: No, not at all.  I’m not allowed to go into thousands.
M: Is that true?  I didn’t say that.

(Question: Students want to get more than 10 of the 100’s, but in this lesson they have not yet gotten into using cubes which represent 1000- so they do not have a correct way to represent more than one thousand.  These are the kinds of questions that teachers deal with when doing this kind of lesson.  Should they make game rules that keep student responses within certain bounds, covered by the concept of the time (standards for first grade are to work with numbers up to 1000), or should they let things go beyond these limits and then challenge the students to explain what happened?  The answer to this kind of teaching question will vary with each group of students.  If the students barely understand the concept at hand, going beyond might be confusing.  On the other hand, some students may have the ability to go beyond and benefit from it.)

M goes from student to student, asking them to place numbers on the chart on the board to represent the squares they see built on the students’ desks.  When they get to S2’s number, which has more than 10 hundreds, M points out that it raises an interesting question: what to do with numbers over 10 in any category?

As M moves through the children, several have more than 10 squares in a category, causing them to turn in the squares and get 10’s or 100’s to replace them.  This is the beginning of learning to carry numbers.  Students have practiced this with smaller numbers (up to 100), but not previously up to 1000. 

Numbers evolve as shown below:


11 + 1=12
8 + 1= 9

Number= 925

S1’s number is ten one hundreds, ten tens, and ten ones.  This challenges the kids as they think about how to represent it.


M begins by discussing what we do when we have ten ones.  One kid knows that
5+ 5=10, but this equation throws things off, since it is not relevant. 

M: What should I do, put 10 in the ones column?  How many tens do we have?
S3: We have one ten, because 5 + 5 = 10.
M: But how many ones are there in ten?
S1: Ten! So we need to make another ten in the next row.
M: Great idea!  (See red numbers above)  Now how many ones do we have?
Students agree that is hard.  One comes up with the idea that no ones are left. 
M: Great. But now we have a new problem!  What about the tens?  Can we have eleven tens? 
S2: No.  Now we have to move a ten to the 100’s.
M: Right, let’s try it.  (See green numbers)  But now we have a big problem!  We have 11 hundreds.  Can we have that?

This leads to a discussion of thousands, which is the point of the lesson, to understand how the number system works up to thousands.  (Students have up to now been working with numbers only up to hundreds).  They found that if you have more than 10 hundreds, you need to add another column to the chart, and another column to the numbers we write.  The thousands column.

Students are now given a work sheet in which they have to transfer numbers back and forth from drawn squares of ones, tens, and hundreds to numbers written as usual.  They use their cubes to help do these conversions, and either draw the squares on their paper or write the numbers that represent the squares.  This is the independent work that follows and reinforces the discussion which took place. 

This math lesson illustrates how the strategy from my last blog, the collaborative conversation, is an essential tool in teaching math.  This conversation consists of a small group and a teacher discussing an issue or concept together. 

The essential parts of a cognitively guided math lesson are:
1.      The introduction of a question (How to represent big numbers with cubes?)
2.      A mini-lesson which demonstrates a skill or concept  (how numbers look as cubes and on the number chart)
3.      A challenge, presented to individuals or small groups, to solve a problem their own way (make your own big number with cubes)
4.      Group sharing and analysis of people’s solutions (how to write the numbers students created on the number chart). 
5.      Individual practice of concepts learned (writing your own numbers back and forth from drawn cubes to written numbers)

Cognitively guided math is challenging to teach because student solutions can take different directions that can lead to new cognitive challenges.  The teacher constantly defines the boundaries of the lesson, so that the lesson ends up taking a clear direction which illustrates the point s/he is trying to make.  At the same time, students are encouraged to come up with novel solutions and even to try out ideas which they know but which might not prove relevant, in order to learn from their own process.  Balancing keeping a clear direction with letting students experiment is a constant challenge.  There is no one way to do it.

This kind of math lesson illustrates how teaching is an art, in which new challenges constantly arise and require the teacher to improvise solutions.  Marcia illustrates a skillful approach to meeting these challenges.  Yet for each teacher, there are different directions which discussions can take, and a constant set of new decisions to be made.  The exciting part, for teachers and students, is that the challenges created by novel solutions shared by different students always expands the lesson in unpredictable ways, and in the end, causes everyone to see that the number system makes sense and yet provides constant new explorations.  

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Collaborative Conversations in the Classroom

In the current evolution of California teaching standards, called the Common Core Standards, one skill that is emphasized is students' participation in "collaborative conversations."  A collaborative conversation is a teaching and learning event in which people talk critically and analytically about a topic under study in a small group.  At Peregrine School, this often takes the form of a conversation between one of our classes or a smaller group of students, and a teacher.  It can also be student to student without a teacher involved.  
In one of my recent classroom observations at the elementary school, teacher Chris Erickson was working with a group of 5-7 graders as part of his integrated language arts and history curriculum about the ancient world.  His focus is on the Shakespeare play, Julius Caesar, for its perspective on Rome, and as a piece of literature.  Since Shakespeare is hard for students this age to read, Chris is using several sources at once: a graphic novel version of the play, short passages from Shakespeare himself, which the students "translate" together into modern English, and a video of the play.  
Hopefully the following excerpt will give you a sense of how Chris talks informally with his students, even relating this theme to current TV dramas, while at the same time dealing with big questions and with critical dialogue.


A sample of  collaborative conversation:  In the new state Common Core Standards, the “collaborative conversation” is an important skill which students practice in many contexts.  The goals of such a conversation are student engagement around a serious theme, collaborative contributions from many students, and critical thinking skills, such as debate.  The way in which Chris models this kind of collaboration with his 5-7 grade class is well illustrated by the following discussion.

Chris’ class is reading Julius Caesar in graphic novel form, as part of their study of Rome.  Eight kids are sitting around the table.  They take turns reading.  Some get dramatic and act out the action.  Others then edit them, saying “that’s not in there”.  Chris suggests that we can all see the pictures, so we only need to read the words. 

One kid comments on the killing of Caesar: “Why did they do this?”  Chris asks the question: “Was it a good thing to kill Caesar?”  He writes this question on the board, saying that the two speeches in this section are the arguments on both sides, and that this will be the question of the day. 

Garnet says: “I think it was right to kill Caesar because he would have grabbed too much power.”
Becca responds:  “I’m not sure.  There is no proof if he would have done this.”
Garnet says: “The strongest people get voted out first, like in Survivor. 
Julia: Yes, but in Survivor, you can vote strong people out, but you might need them to get enough food.  It’s a question whether you want them to get food for the future or if they pose a future threat.  The same is true of Julius Caesar.
Garnet: I think that people tend to vote out really strong people.  They are afraid of them.
Alex: I disagree.  They usually die.
Garnet: You didn’t watch the show!
Chris: Let’s bring this back from the show to the play.  What is the equivalent of food in Survivors for these Senators?  What might they want to keep Caesar around for?
Katrin: Caesar had a will.  Did he know he was going to die?
Chris: People have wills even if they don’t expect to die soon.
Julia: Why couldn’t they have had Caesar sign a contract, that if he did certain things, he would be out of power?
Chris: You mean why did they have to take such an extreme measure as to kill him?
Garnet: But he is really strong willed.  They would not believe he would follow the contract.
Rodrigo: He’s power hungry.

Luke: What happened with his wife?
Julia: Didn’t she have a dream? But I don’t believe that dreams really predict things.  Like if I watch a horror movie at 12:00 and wake at 3:00 AM, I might feel like the things in the movie will really happen, but they won’t. 
Chris: Let’s look in the novel and find Caesar’s wife’s dream.
Kids say that the wife realizes it’s the Ides of March.  It is bad luck.  She wants Caesar to stay home. 
Caesar responds: Cowards die a thousand deaths. 
His wife begs him to stay home.  Then Caesar agrees to stay home for her. 

Chris: This scene makes an important point.  You said that Caesar is stubborn, but here is evidence that he is not, that he changed his plan based on what his wife wanted.  Then he is influenced by Brutus.  Brutus tells him that if he goes to the Senate that day, he will be crowned Emperor.  So he decides to go, over-riding his wife but because of Brutus’ advice.  So he does change his min, twice.
Luke: But you can’t deny that he’s powerful and power hungry-
(he changed his mind and took a risk in the hope of becoming Emperor)
Rod: He was trying to look noble, says “You can trust me when I’m king.”
Chris- Romans didn’t want a king, but were willing to accept a dictator for life. 
Ethan- Makes a crying sound effect. 

Chris: Now let’s talk about the rhetoric and who is more persuasive.  We will break down the two speeches, for and against killing Caesar.  Chris passes out these passages from Shakespeare.

Chris- First we have Brutus’ speech to the Plebeians.  Who are Plebeians? 
Katrin: the middle classes. 

Students now “translate” the speeches into regular English, writing sentences in modern English next to each of Shakespeare’s sentences.  They do this together, as a group.  Chris explains that this is the speech in which Brutus tries to convince the Plebeians that he is trustworthy. 

Chris:  “Censure me in your wisdom.”  What does this mean?
Kids struggle and try out various responses.
Julia: Is it “only judge me using your wisdom?”

This goes on for about ten minutes, with each sentence analyzed.  Everyone is totally engaged.  When someone is too loud, Chris asks: “Are you getting this down?” Behavior is controlled through the context of the lesson.

Chris: There is a very famous line here: “Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more.”  He was trying to tell the Plebeians that he acted out of love rather than out of hate in killing Caesar.  But it was love for Rome.

After everyone has written their translations, the class is asked to read the Shakespeare passages out loud, in parts. 
Chris says to the class: “I’d like you to read this in parts.  To see the Bard’s poetry drip from your mouths.”